ASM VOTED “NON-PROFIT OF THE YEAR” By Cocoa Beach Regional Chamber of Commerce

We are honored to be chosen the “Non-Profit of the Year” by the Cocoa Beach Regional Chamber of Commerce at their 33rd awards ceremony Friday night Sept 17, 2021. Accepting the award from outgoing Chamber CEO Jennifer Sugarman is ASM’s community liaison, Mark Marquette. Mark is also a board member of the chamber’s Cocoa Beach Visitor Bureau.

The award comes with an $11,000 in value advertising package from local media outlets, as well as the prestige of being a recognized leader in Brevard County.

The other non-profits in competition with ASM for the award were: Brevard Humane Society, Bridges, Brevard Veterans Memorial Center, Rotary Club of Cocoa, St. Francis Reflections Lifestage Care and Valiant Air Command Warbird Air Museum.